Danielle Barratt
Physiotherapist & Founder of PhysioMatters
Bachelor Science (Physiotherapy)
Bachelor Administration (Business / Administration)
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Physiotherapy (Continence and Women’s Health)
Graduate Diploma Acupuncture
Graduate Certificates in Manual & Patient Handling - Manutention Loads & Patient Handling
Graduate Certificate IV in Training / Education and Workplace Assessors Training Graduate
Graduate Certificate in Health Promotions
Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (WA)
Certificate in Workstation & Computer Ergonomics
Certificate in Counselling
Certificate in Medical Terminology​
Mat Certified Trainer (Australia) (APPI)
Reformer Certified Trainer (Australia) (APPI) to be Completed in 2022
Member of Associated Bodies
Allied Health Professionals Council (Singapore)
Singapore Physiotherapy Association
Australian Physiotherapy Health Professions Council
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK)
Australian Incontinence Association.
Guest Speaker and Presenter
The 1st Abdominal Wall Robotic Surgery Abdominoplasty workshop 2018
The 2nd Abdominal Wall Robotic Surgery Abdominoplasty workshop 2019
The Virtual Asia Pacific Hernia Society (APHS) 2020 Conference
The Virtual Hernia Society (Brussels) (APHS) 2022 Conference
Meet Danielle
Hi there, I am Danielle and the Founder and Director of Women’s and Men’s Health Services at PhysioMatters.
Not many people nowadays can say they love what they do and get to work in their area of passion like I do. I can say I am so grateful and hope to be working for many years to come loving what I do.
I knew I wanted to be a Women’s Health Physiotherapist early on in my undergraduate studies and worked in Women’s Health from the day I graduated. That is a long time ago over 30 years or more now!! Life’s experiences, including being a mother of 2 children, and being a woman undergoing all the wonderful changes that aging brings, have now made me an even better practitioner. I say, bring on those hormonal changes!
I qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1996 (Australia) and have worked both in the public and private healthcare systems in Australia, UK, Canada, and Singapore. Learning is always continuing, and life’s experiences consolidate the bookwork.
I have been blessed to live in Singapore now for over 35 years and consider Singapore very much my home. I am fortunate to have a great network of family, friends, and professional colleagues around the globe. Using live conferencing apps has made life’s communications, and quality global treatment of clients so much easier. Don’t we live in exciting times!
My approach to my practice and life is - keep it simple, functional, and fun. I value everyone as an individual. I look forward to working with you and as part of your back-to-fitness team. Let's bring the F words – Fabulously Fun, and FIT back into your daily vocab. Being pain-free, fit, and confident in your own skin is FUN!!
See you soon